Fulham Profile
Website: www.fulhamfc.com| Wikipedia: Fulham Wikipedia | Fan site: add fan website here
Website: www.fulhamfc.com| Wikipedia: Fulham Wikipedia | Fan site: add fan website here
05/10/2024 | Premier League | |
28/09/2024 | Premier League | |
21/09/2024 | Premier League | |
17/09/2024 | League Cup | |
14/09/2024 | Premier League |
Here you can find the latest results for matches played by Fulham in various football tournaments. Check the team rankings in the general tables of Premier League, the main football competition in England.
This table shows the Fulham squad with data updated regularly, showing players part of the Fulham team, their t-shirt number, playing position, games played and goals scored (penalties included) for the current football season. Please note data in this table is updated daily, so users will not find data included here from a match that was just played by Fulham.